Dividing Decimals

How practise we separate when there are decimal points involved?

Well, it is easier to carve up by a whole number ... so multiply by 10 until it is!

Simply we must practice the same thing to both numbers in the partitioning.

Case: 15 divided by 0.2

When we multiply the 0.ii by x we get a whole number:

0.2 × 10 = 2

Just nosotros must too do it to the 15:

15 × 10 = 150

So 15 ÷ 0.two has become 150 ÷ 2 (both numbers are 10 times larger):

150 ÷ 2 = 75

And then the answer is:

15 ÷ 0.2 = 75

The number we carve up by is called the divisor.

To divide decimal numbers:

Multiply the divisor by as many 10's as nosotros need, until information technology is a whole number.
Remember to multiply the dividend by the same number of 10'southward.

Multiplying by ten is piece of cake, we just shift ane space over like this:

Example: Divide 6.4 past 0.4

Let us motility one space for both:

6.four 0.4 is exactly the same as 64 4
as we did the motion for both numbers.

Now we tin summate:

64 4 = 16

Then the respond is:

six.4 0.4 = 16

Are there really sixteen lots of 0.4 in 6.4? Let's see:

decimals divide 64 04

For harder questions we may demand to use Long Sectionalisation:

Case: Divide 0.539 by 0.11

First nosotros need to make the movement twice to make 0.11 into a whole number:

0.539 0.11 is exactly the same every bit 53.ix xi

But what about 53.nine? Information technology withal has a decimal betoken.

Well, we tin ignore the decimal signal in the dividend so long as nosotros think to put it dorsum later.

First nosotros do the calculation without the decimal signal:









Now put the decimal indicate in the respond directly higher up the decimal point in the dividend:

The respond is four.ix

Another example:

Example: Divide 9.1 by seven

The divisor (7) is already a whole number, so no need for any moves.

At present, ignore the decimal signal in the dividend and use Long Division:

Put the decimal point in the answer directly above the decimal point in the dividend:

The answer is 1.iii


Have a look at these Decimal Segmentation Animations for further assist.

Lastly ...

Every bit a terminal check nosotros can put our "mutual sense" hat on and think "is that the right size?", because we don't desire to pay ten times too much for anything, nor do we desire to go only ane-tenth of what we need!

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