
How To Put Up A Birdhouse Pole

How to Hang a Bird House Safely

Hanging a birdhouse can turn any backyard into a nesting bird's paradise. But it's not as elementary as you lot might think. To properly and safely mountain a birdhouse, there are restrictions and recommendations you lot should have into account.

While there are many reasons to hang a birdhouse in your garden or yard, perhaps none is as important equally compensating for rampant habitat loss. The American Bird Conservancy has designated habitat loss as thebiggest contributor to declining bird populations. Due to urbanization, deforestation, logging, draining of swamps and more, many nesting birds are finding in that location just aren't enough natural habitats to call home.

That's where you come up in. By properly mounting a birdhouse, you'll not only beautify your outdoor infinite, only you'll also create a safe infinite for local birds to nest and take it easy.

Nesting birds are the same equally the average house shopper. They're all about location, location, location. To concenter birds to the houses yous've so carefully chosen for them, you'll need to be whip-smart about where you place them.

In this article, we'll reveal precisely how--and where--to hang a birdhouse correctly. We will help you select the all-time location in your grand for mounting birdhouses, and provide all the tips and tricks you need to encourage birds to settle downward and nest. We will also detail precisely how to spiral a birdhouse onto a variety of services, including more difficult ones, like copse.

1. Keep bird houses abroad from bird feeders, baths

A bird house affixed to a tree.

In general, you'll want a birdhouse that is far away from any other bird feeder or bird bath on your property. While it may seem beautiful to provide the birds with a resort-like area with all these amenities in one place, it only increases the risk of predators in their dwelling. Please make certain there is a off-white corporeality of distance between baths, feeders and bird houses.

Need precise instructions? While some sources recommend half-dozen or 7 feet, others say a whopping thirty+ ft. of distance is best. The more distance you lot can give, the better.

2. Select a low-traffic area

No law-breaking, just nesting birds want to exist where the people (and predators!) aren't. The quieter, calmer and lower-traffic the area, the better. Please accept some time to survey your outdoor space when choosing a location for your birdhouse.

Do you walk by often? Does the gardener trim that tree weekly? Does your Goldendoodle burn off his energy playing fetch nearby? These are all reasons to pass on a certain location! Afterwards all, you aren't but placing a slice of decor. You're creating a existent habitat for birds that truly demand it.

Of grade, you'll need to practice a bit of inquiry if you wish to attract specific species of birds. Purple martins and bluebirds, for instance, don't heed exposure. Only most birds do prefer a private space away from all the action.

More tips: Avoid clustering birdhouses together. Most feathered flyers prefer to lay their nests abroad from other birds.

3. Face entry hole reverse prevailing winds

Another of import consideration when deciding where to hang a birdhouse: wind! Make sure the entrance hole of your birdhouse does non face up prevailing winds.

Many people in the Us similar to face their birdhouses east, which is ordinarily opposite stiff winds and the intense afternoon dominicus.

four. Option the perfect summit

When information technology comes to hanging birdhouses, one hard-and-fast rule is summit. Your birdhouse must be at least 5 anxiety above ground. This protects vulnerable birds from most ground-roaming predators. There'due south no need to go above 12 feet loftier: birds don't want to live in the penthouse!

Every bit for the rest of the predators? Make sure the entry pigsty of your birdhouse is the correct size. An appropriately-sized entrance pigsty should help keep flying or climbing threats out of the birdhouse.

Y'all may want to tailor the height of your birdhouse to attract certain types of bird species. For example, five feet is the perfect summit for attracting wrens, nuthatches and chickadees. Prefer regal martins? Try x to 15 anxiety. Bluebirds? 6 anxiety should do the pull a fast one on.

Other heights attract other types of birds, then practise a little research on the right height for your birdhouse.

five. Select a sturdy place to mount your birdhouse

In that location are many places to secure a bird firm. Your mounting structure could exist a pole, a brick wall or siding, a debate post, wooden siding, or even a tree. Here's a fiddling more data on each choice, you can make a wise decision and mount your birdhouse properly.

Metal pole

To mount a birdhouse to a metal pole, you lot'll either need a screw-on birdhouse, or you lot'll need to purchase the hardware required to add together this characteristic to the firm. The pole you cull should be at to the lowest degree 5 feet high once staked into the ground. Yous can buy an auger to attach to the pole to ensure its underground grip is safe and sturdy.

Twist the auger-covered pole into the ground clockwise until it is sufficiently stabilized and the auger is curtained. (No auger? No problem! Merely stake the pole at to the lowest degree a foot into the ground, simply know that it will never be perfectly stable.)

Finally, rotate the birdhouse clockwise into the pole using the birdhouse'south screw. Keep rotating information technology until it is properly affixed and correctly positioned. When you lot perform your annual birdhouse cleaning, just unscrew the birdhouse.

Flat surfaces

Brick is an outstanding surface to hang a birdhouse on because its complex and varying textures brand it a challenging terrain for predators to calibration. If yous have brick siding on your domicile or a brick-paved contend or one-half-wall, y'all can absolutely attach your bird house to it.

Same goes for argue posts and wooden siding, although they don't avowal the same predator-repelling properties equally bricks.

Mounting a birdhouse to a apartment surface is easy. Especially if your birdhouse came ready-to-install, like all Happy Gardens birdhouses do! If that'due south the instance, only follow the instructions that came with your birdhouse to quickly mount it to a flat surface.

If your firm came without mounting hardware already affixed to information technology, you'll have to practice this yourself. Locate the extending post attached to the back of the house. On this mail, about 2 to three inches above and below the birdhouse, make marks with a pencil. These ii Xs indicate exactly where yous'll demand to bulldoze screws.

Now, property the business firm upward against your flat surface, screw the screws using a Philips head screwdriver. You may need a second prepare of hands to securely hold the birdhouse while you mount it.

A picayune tip: while nails or screws both work for birdhouse mounting, we adopt screws. After all, you'll need to remove the mounted house for a yearly cleaning. Nails tin can brand that pretty difficult year afterwards year.

Tree trunk

A birdhouse mounted to a tree trunk.

Finally, you tin can mountain a birdhouse to a tree torso as long as it'southward in good shape and stable. A little warning: tree trunks can be easy for predators to climb, and then you lot'll need to go on the entry pigsty to the house quite small to keep unwanted visitors out.

Hanging from a tree

Since affixing birdhouses to a tree trunk isn't the safest best, you're probably wondering if hanging a birdhouse is a meliorate alternative.

To hang a birdhouse, find a well-located, sturdy branch, then secure a hook to it. Next, hang the house using a very short piece of wire, rope or chain.

Do birds like hanging bird houses? Not if they're unsteady. Birds tend to avoid houses that swing or sway in the wind.

RELATED:  How to Keep Squirrels Out of Bird Feeder: 13 Proven Tips & Tricks

Where to buy birdhouses

Y'all tin find birdhouses at antique stores, big box retailers and everywhere in betwixt. At Happy Gardens, we're exceptionally proud of our collection of unique handcrafted birdhouses. Our collection, which Oprah added to her Holiday souvenir listing, has something for anybody.

About Happy Gardens

Happy Gardens curates an online collection of unique, thoughtful garden decor and merchandise. Whether you've been searching high and depression for an adorable birdhouse, a unique wind chime or a charming rain chain, Happy Gardens has what you're looking for. After all, each product we stock and sell has been chosen to fill your outdoor space with charm and cheer.

Our beloved collections include a remarkable variety of top-rated, beloved products including rain gauges, painted bird houses, funky wind chimes and cool garden ornaments and statues fabricated from metallic, stone and more. Plus, our new line of merchandise is bright, exciting, and great for gift-giving. Check out our wine glasses, tote numberless and mini planters for all the garden, bird and found-lovers in your life.

Want to learn more about our newest and coolest products? Bring together our mailing list with your electronic mail address. Want to bring some proficient vibes (and tons of tips and tricks) to your news feed? For tons of garden inspiration and your daily dose of greenery, follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

We're always hither to help via chat if you demand help picking out that perfect gift, redecorating your outdoor space or choosing the right bird house.


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